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Company Profile

We are a wealth management and asset management services provider based and with the majority of our operations in Hong Kong. We assist our clients in identifying and purchasing well-matched wealth management products and global asset management products. Our clients for both wealth management and asset management services are primarily high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals in Asia, including business owners, executives, heirs of rich families and other affluent individuals, and a majority of our clients reside in mainland China or Hong Kong.

Wealth Management Services

We work with licensed product brokers licensed in Hong Kong or in the U.S., who are primarily insurance brokers distributing insurance products, and assist them in customizing wealth management investment portfolios for our clients. We also provide customized value-added services to our clients.

Asset Management Services

We provide asset management services to our clients acting as investment advisors and fund managers. We also provide discretionary account management services and asset management related advisory services to our clients.

We are actively expanding our client referral network by actively maintaining client relationship, seeking referrals from existing clients, and expanding our business network.

In the future, we intend to further develop our wealth management business in the future by engaging with more product brokers that offer additional types of wealth management products. We will continue to provide our clients with existing asset management services and develop or introduce more highly desirable product and service opportunities that meet the ever-evolving standards of our clients.

We aspire to become a trusted wealth management and asset management services brand among Asia’s high net worth individuals.